Custom Installation Variables

If you are installing the End User installation, you can do so using the following installation commands to enable an automated, silent installation. Installation should occur using the proper administrative rights.


C:\tst\install.exe /install /q3 /a5 /b0 /c2 /log:"C:\tst\install.log"


install.exe - the installer executable, such as "PIVKey Installer-User-"

/install - forces the installer to install (rather than uninstall)

/q3 - forces a quiet install

/a5 - require administrative rights, but try to install if not 

/b0 - do not reboot

/c2 - execute a full integrity check of the installation package before installing

/log - log location

The PIVKey installer is built with the Installmate installer tool. For more information on these install parameters, see here:

If the installation parameters do not meet your needs, we can provide the installation source so you can customize the installer itself.  Please contact Taglio LLC for more information.





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