PIVKey User Installer


If you are using PIVKey with the PIV Interface, no end user install is needed. The PIVKey works with the Windows In-Box PIV Smart Card and CCID Smart Card Reader drivers.

The PIVKey User Installer is for end user deployments that require the PIVKey Minidriver, for example because the end user needs more than 4 certificates. With the end user installer, end users can load certificates to the PIVKey, but cannot map these to PIV certificate slots.

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  • 0
    Rodney Thayer

    does not in fact explain how to load user certificates like the seach engine results said it would.

  • 0
    Marci Tenpas

    Hi Rodney,

    Apologies for the delayed response and thank you for your feedback!  Unfortunately, the Zendesk search engine simply searches for the input within the articles and since this article talks about end users being able to load certificates, it comes up in those search results, as will any article that references loading certificates.

    Hopefully, you have found any information you were searching for by now.  If not, please open a support ticket and we'd be happy to help!


    ~Marci Tenpas, Taglio Support


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