PIVKey Certificate Mapping Logs

To generate logs that Taglio Support can analyze, please navigate to the directory where the PIVKey Admin Tools were installed, the default is C:\Program Files (x86)\PIVKey Installer\PIVKey Admin Tools.   Then run the following commands from the Command Console window.

To list the certificates:

pivkeytool.exe --listmd

To list the PIV slots:

pivkeytool.exe --listpiv

Then please copy the results from the Command Console window.

Sample result:

pivkeytool.exe --listmd 

Reader: Feitian SCR301 0
Card ATR: 3B FC 18 00 00 81 31 80 45 90 67 46 4A 00 64 16 06 F2 72 7E 00 E0
Card protocol: T1
Card module: tagliov70p.dll

List C2 Certificates:
kxc00 PIVKey DDBAFC744B84DC4F804951B1765D6002


pivkeytool.exe --listpiv

Reader: Feitian SCR301 0
Card ATR: 3B FC 18 00 00 81 31 80 45 90 67 46 4A 00 64 16 06 F2 72 7E 00 E0
Card protocol: T1
Card module: tagliov70p.dll

List Piv Certificate Mappings:
PivCert9A not mapped
PivCert9C not mapped
PivCert9D not mapped
PivCert9E mapped to kxc00


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